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The Creator of Carl S. Bat Revealed


By Michele Robertson

The 1890s brought about the regular inclusion of comic strips in newspapers in the United States. Frequently referred to as the “funny pages,” comics have entertained the masses for more than a century.

Carl S. Bat made his first appearance in the pages of the Carlsbad Local newspaper in September of 2024. A Carlsbad local, Stephanie Kurimski, the creator of the paper’s comic strip, shared details about the origins of and inspirations for Carl. Having a lifelong passion for art, Kurimski started with drawing, painting, design, and crafting and has now expanded her art digitally to open herself up to more opportunities.

“I have always been inspired by art and music, taking any class I could to feed my interest,” she added.

“I have a small business of my own called Bonnie Wild Creations that focuses on native beading and upcycled creations. My native beaded jewelry represents my Metis Heritage that I realized only a few years ago. Currently, I work with Red Rocket as a graphic designer and with Whaley Great Image as an assistant,” Kurimski said.

“Carl the bat started as a silly idea to add to the paper. As a kid, I was always excited to look through the paper to find the funnies! I thought it would be a great idea to have a character who represents Carlsbad and that everyone could relate to,” Kurimski reminisced. “The idea that the character would be a bat was pretty straightforward. Bats are one of the most recognized and remembered animals in Carlsbad, and I have been a fan of bats since I was Park Kid! I specifically remember visiting Carlsbad Caverns, learning about the bats, and smelling the guano as we entered,” added Kurimski.

Taking inspiration from daily life in and around Carlsbad, Kurimski uses local experiences to highlight life in the Cavern City. “The inspiration for the Carl comic for each week comes from being a Carlsbad Local. I have traveled and lived in a few different states, but nobody does it like Carlsbad,” she said.

“Local events like the light parade or the fireworks in July—no one does it quite like Carlsbad, and being a local, I like to point out the funny side of our small-town experience. My goal is to make a relatable character that can entertain adults and children alike while pertaining to situations only a Carlsbad Local would know,” shared Kurimski.

Newspaper co-owner Damian Capello said, “I believe a newspaper comic should be relative to the readers. You may not relate to comic strips that are political or use certain types of humor. But how can you not like a locally inspired comic that addresses local issues in a timely manner and is lighthearted?” he asked.

“Carl S. Bat is a friendly local bat who somehow relates to us all. His character and his view of our community is still being revealed, does Carl have a family, does he have friends, does he have an alter ego? All is to be revealed in upcoming comics!” Kurimski said.

Follow Carl’s adventures every week in the Carlsbad Local newspaper, available for free at area grocery stores, local businesses, and in front of the Carlsbad MainStreet office.

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