By Michael BromkaThe Carlsbad Heights chapter of Lions Club gathered ten volunteers with tools and lumber last Saturday morning to build a 32-foot wheelchair ramp for a county resident out beyond Otis.Weather began chilly but warmed to sunny autumnal delight.On arrival, Lions commenced with hammers and pry bars to tear apart a steep, bumpy, tenacious prior ramp.Workers piled warped and weathered discarded boards —screws down —out of the way.The Lions —nine men plus Lisa Self —ranged in age from 45 to 74.Ranging as well were vigor, skill, and savvy.All pitched in to measure, cut, hold, plus glue-&-screw into place all components of the new ramp.Eight prior reliable 4”X4” concreted vertical supports were retained.One, half an inch out of alignment, had to be notched.In compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, each inch of vertical rise requires one foot of horizontal run.Beginning from the home’s front porch, space enough allowed one straight ramp, no turn needed.Carlsbad Heights Lions have been building ramps for years.With scant discussion, they know how proceed.A patter of puns and Dad jokes nudged along efforts.(“Do ya need bottled wet hammers for Liquid Nails?”)Cordless drills with charged backup batteries drove many screws.Star-headed screws and bits are handier than Phillips, especially when you’ve gotta unscrew and move a 2”X4” just an inch.About $700 worth of screws, glue, boards, and plywood plus five hours of volunteer labor got the job done.Carlsbad Foundation plus Lions fundraising paid for materials.At work on the ramp were Chad Boadway, Richard Bradley, Ken Britt, Michael Bromka, Larry Coalson, Bill Deringer, Jay Francis, Monty Harris, Lisa Self, and Rick Wiedenmann.
{ Active in south Eddy County since 1955, the Carlsbad Heights Lions have a mission to help to folks in need.They pay for eye exams and glasses.Also, Lions help fund Boys & Girls Club, Backpacks for Hunger, Community Kitchen, Life House, Jonah’s House Food Pantry, Christmas Anonymous, Toys for Tots, and Battered Family Shelter.For more information check out the Carlsbad Heights Lions Facebook page